Set up subdomain

beabee is a web-based software and is installed on a so-called subdomain of your website. In the first step, you only have to decide on the name of your subdomain. For example, if the domain of your website is, your subdomain should look like this:

You can put whatever you want in place of the three xxx. Examples from other beabee users:

Please send the beabee team the name of your desired subdomain. Important: You do not have to create a real subdomain with your hosting provider! This is really only about the name.

Once you have sent the name to the beabee team, you will receive so-called DNS records in return.

You have to install these on your domain. You can do this in the hosting settings of your domain. Because this is different for every hosting provider, we cannot provide a universal instruction for this. Do you have someone who takes care of the technical aspects of your website? This person is usually also able to install DNS records.

Please let the beabee team know as soon as the records are installed. We will then check if everything is working smoothly.

If you get stuck, we can also help you install the records.

After that, we can move on to the next step: Setting up the payment provider.

Last updated