Admin notifications

beabee is able to send you as an admin notifications, for example if a new member join, someone cancels a contribution or someone takes part in a callout.

To get those notifications you need to create automated emails using the old beabee dashboard. To get there, log in as usual, change the slug of the URL from /admin to /tools/emails and press Enter. Now you should have landed at the email settings in beabee's old dashboard.

Now follow these steps:

  1. Create a new email filling out the form

2. Use this draft as email text:

Dear Administrator,

a new member joined your community: *|MEMBERNAME|*.

This is his profile:

To the profile

Best wishes

3. To link to the profile use the following link (adapted to your domain):*|MEMBERID|*

4. Click β€žCreate”.

5. The email is ready, now you need to add an event to tell it when to send. For that click on "Add event".

7. Choose β€žNew member notification” from the dropdown menu and click β€žSave”.

8. You want to get notified when someone cancels or answers a callout? Follow the steps again using this drafts and the right events:

Dear Administrator,

a member cancelled: *|MEMBERNAME|*.

This is the profile:

To the profile

Best wishes


*|RESPNAME|* responded to your callout *|CALLOUTTITLE|*

See their response (Link:*|CALLOUTSLUG|*/responses)

All the best,


Last updated