
You can segment the community database yourself by creating as many segments as you like. In principle, segments are based on searches for certain parameters. On the following pages you will learn how to set up and delete segments yourself and how to create automatic e-mails to segments.

These segments are preset for each beabee instance:

All contacts:

In this segment you find all your community contacts.

Active members:

In this segment you will find all active members, i.e. all community contacts who make a regular contribution or have been added by you as an active member so they have the role "Active member".

Joined last 3 months

In this segment you will find all users who have been added to the community database in the last three months. This doesn't necessarily have to be Active members, it also includes contacts that have been synchronised by your newsletter tool, for example.

Expired last 3 months

Here you will find all contacts whose membership has expired in the last three months, for example those who have cancelled.

Expires soon

Here you will find members whose membership will expire within the next 28 days, e.g. members who have cancelled their membership.

Last updated